Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Age and Training

Ever wondered why it took you so long to get the body that you want after you have jumped the bridge?? I mean when you over 30 or even older huh. For mommies its even worse bacause if one doesn't keep a fit lifestyle while pregnant for sure it will take forever to minimize the extra weight. As we get older we get tired fast,we lose patience sitting on the bike for more than 20 mins,our minds always wander to other things to a point where you'll just stop the treadmill,utter "I'm sick of this and head home". Has that never happened to you guys? I have done that a dozen times.

My Richard Branson moment

Memory lane-When I was 23 until 25, I used to train like a mad thing. I would run for hours, sit in the gym like imma sleep there. Thing is I was young enough to do it. I did a few fitness competitions in my early 20's,I would be excited to train for a goal,was soo aware of my body and knew exactly what to do,what to eat and alla that. But now I sometimes feel poofed. Truth is if I wasn't a gym instructor I dont know what will motivate me to go train.

Just so by the way all is not lost-When you jump over the bridge it gets more important to watch what you eat,this is imperative guys. The junk clogs more on older people because of minimal training movement than it does for a 20 year old. Often hear people say I can eat what I like and I will still look the same,please dont get angry at such,check the age first. Worse thing is like I said in the past, you can be as skinny as a needle,but with body fat over 200(lol),and be very scared-I would rather see live fat than hidden fat(A big person knows the need for a workout,while a skinny one will be nonchalant about their gym and eating lifestyle and you will be shocked,you can get a heart attack even when you are skinny.

So whether big or small-train,train,train-eat as healthily as possible. Make a smiley face with your cottage cheese on your rice cakes and your provitas.

PS: I had a guy in my class this morning,1st time in 2 months,the girls were huffing and puffing and complaining about hecticness, they didnt realise that when a dude pitches in your class the calender changes(Tuesday becomes Friday)-(Intensity,weight training,speed cos thats the only way you get a guy to respect you as a chick instructor/Make them remember that its not that farting moment by the weights training section when men fart and scream to carry a 100kgs weight to show off to their friends,sometimes even to us chicks that can only carry 10kg. Mxmm I get soo irritated by that howling,they need a PROP. LOLMENTATION..

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