Saturday, May 05, 2012

Big Brother Africa 7 is here,super excited

Blog fab people,my apologies for being so quite these few weeks. Too much to do,too lil time. Lets just recap. First things first. Our country has too many holidays,I'm not complaining though,when I say holiday I mean people literally take some time out and do chill,(like a mexican siesta)just this one goes on for the days on end. I didnt do much during my time out,I basically stayed home and had plenty me time.

Needless to say this week has began and is almost ending with a bang. My biggest moment to shine is here,no lipservice,just SWAAGGGG and showcasing talent that God gave me. Big Brother Africa 7 is here and imma be shaking my booty to the best of my know how. My time to shine......

I did a test series for the Big Brother Africa show yesterday morning,what it means is the producers had to check cameras and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow(Sunday 5th) There were journalists that slept in the house on Thursday and I had to give them a workout in the morning at 7 after their drunken daze the day before. It was sooo much fun but the fun was when the guys were shaking their booties more than the ladies. A few hagglers were there who didnt want to do it but in the end it all ended well.

I will just be straight and come out with it, I don't want to go into the house and be hated by the very people I am trying to help look fab,I know tv is not like classes in the gym where everyone knows you,your choreo and what time you show up. I am talking about ruthless girls who would do everything to make to burn you to the ground. I must say I am very excited at the unknown reception I will get because after  Friday I know I need to get in there with utmost confidence. So guys the times will be every Monday,Thursday and Friday at 7:30-8:15 on channel 198 DSTV. If you are at work then just tune in at night for the reruns at 8pm. This show is watched by over 40 million people across Africa.KIL(Kip it locked and have a fab weekend) Update Monday after the workout.


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